Sunday, July 18, 2010

Preliminary Exams

Well, its finally here... the revealing of the truth whether I'll pass or not. Theoretically with my intelligence ill score some 85s~92s, but I digress.

First day of exams
English 1
Zoology 1
Filipino 1 (yeah, I'm a Filipino!)

Second day of exams
Zoology 1 (lab)
MTSTS (Intro to MedTech)
Math 1 (w/c is basically 4th year Algebra)

Third day of exams
Theology 1
Chemistry 1
Chemistry 1 (lab)

So there. While I am writing this the exams are going on. I just hope that the teacher doesn't spot me typing silently away in a hidden corner of the classroom. Well, she might read this blog post or... report me to the dean for disturbing the class' study time by reading this instead of studying. Ta-ta!

PS. All projects may be put on hiatus for a week or so. Laters